Located in the John J. Hemmingson Center, the Sodexo Grown greenhouse grows fresh produce year-round that is used in dining locations across campus. Hydroponic growing means the plants get everything they need from the nutrient water circulated through their roots instead of from soil. This method conserves water, reduces runoff, increases yield, and allows for more variety in crops. The Sodexo Grown greenhouse is a 3-tier system, allowing for optimal growing potential. Since completion, we are harvesting on average 100 heads of lettuce per week!
KREM 2 was impressed by Sodexo's greenhouse.
Local Sourcing
Zag Dining by Sodexo gets as much fresh food as possible from the local community. By partnering with organizations like NW Food Hub and Charlie's Produce, we offer organic, regionally local products throughout dining locations year round. We provide fair trade coffee through Craven's and Aspretto. Angus Meats helps us source protein from within 500 miles of Spokane. We also partner with local baking companies including Petit Chat and Just American Desserts. Follow Zag Dining on social media to stay informed about local themed food specials and events.
Craven's CoffeeAngus MeatsCharlie's ProducePetit ChatJust American Desserts
DarigoldSpokane Bakery SupplyLINC Foods
Better Tomorrow 2025
Sodexo is a recognized leader in diversity, sustainability and wellness. We were named Global Sustainability Industry Leader in our sector for the 10th year in a row by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and are the only company to have been in the top 2 of DiversityInc's Top 50 Companies for Diversity list for five consecutive years. our success is due in part to our corporate sustainability roadmap, Better Tomorrow 2025. The Better Tomorrow Plan is Sodexo's global strategy for a better future with priorities for nutrition, health and wellness, the environment, local communities, and diversity and inclusion. Our Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments help us continue our journey as a business that enhances the quality of life and was developed in accordance with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Partnerships and Initiatives
Sodexo Makes it a priority to partner with organizations large and small to improve communities and progress the Better Tomorrow plan. Refer to these links for more information about Zag Dining's partners and initiatives.
- Stop Hunger
- Real Food Challenge
- EPA's Food Recovery Challenge
- Waste Watch powered by Lean Path
- Campus Kitchens
National Association of College & University Food Services (NACUFS), Silver Award - Procurement Practices
Sodexo Sustainability Community of Practice, My Green Idea Winner
Gonzaga CREATE Award
More Information