Welcome to Zag Dining Nutrition!
Sodexo is a quality of life company that is dedicated to addressing nutrition education across all areas of our business in a manner that fully aligns with the goals of Gonzaga University. To Sodexo, nutrition education plays a huge role in creating a positive food culture that goes beyond individual nutrition counseling and presentations. Nutrition education also includes staff training, menu development, diverse food offerings that appeal to different food cultures, and sustainability efforts. To ensure that nutrition education efforts continue to be at the heart of our operations, we can help guide these initiatives. If you have a food allergy or want to talk about meal plan exemptions, reach out to our Zag Dining Registered Dietitian Joanne Perez-Vergara at joanne.perez-vergara@sodexo.com.
Menu Development, Stations and Labeling
Menu planning is considerate of nutrition factors, dietary needs and preferences. This includes ongoing training for Vegan, Simple Servings and Simple Zone platforms. The "Big-9" allergens information will continue to be available and displayed at residential dining stations. Under the Food Allergies and Preferences header, edit to the following: From general manager to front line servers, we work diligently to address students specific needs, especially those with food allergies, Celiac disease, or other special dietary needs. Our menu system provides ingredient statements specifically highlighting the Big Nine allergens: milk, eggs, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, peanuts, sesame, wheat, and soy. Guests may check on the presence of allergens prior to planning their meals by using the online menu found in the Everyday App. The absence of an allergen listed on posted or electronic product signage is not a guarantee that the product is free of that allergen. The guest is responsible for communicating their allergy to a supervisor or manager to ensure safe
Food Allergies and Preferences
From general manager to front line servers, we work diligently to address students specific needs, especially those with food allergies, Celiac disease, or other special dietary needs. Our menu system provides ingredient statements specifically highlighting the Big Nine allergens: milk, eggs, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, sesame, wheat, and soy. Guests may check on the presence of allergens prior to planning their meals by using the online menu found in the Everyday App. The absence of an allergen listed on posted or electronic product signage is not a guarantee that the product is free of that allergen. The guest is responsible for communicating their allergy to a supervisor or manager to ensure safety.
Additional Resources
Should there be additional challenges resulting from medical conditions, please submit a Meal Plan Exemption Request (myGU login required)
- Vegan and vegetarian options are available in resident dining locations
- Vegetarian items contain no meat, fish or poultry, or any meat products such as soup base. Our vegetarian offerings meet the needs of lacto-ovo-vegetarians and may include eggs and/or dairy products
- Vegan offerings contain no meat, fish, eggs, milk or other animal-derived products such as honey
Simple Servings
The Simple Servings station at COG Dining Hall provides safe and appetizing food choices for our customers with food allergies, gluten intolerance, and those who prefer simple food. All foods served at this station are prepared with ingredients that do not contain milk, eggs, wheat, soy, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, or gluten. The station uses separate equipment/utensils, preparation areas, and storage areas to minimize the potential of allergens or gluten in our Simple Servings foods. The menu rotates daily and includes a variety of protein, vegetables, and starches. Fin fish, the 8th FDA specified allergen, maybe offered at this station but it is only ever included in ‘obvious’ fish dishes, such as whole pieces of fish (sauces containing fish will never be served here). The station is incorporated into the dining hall to allow students, even those without allergy or gluten concerns, to enjoy the wholesome food selections. We ask that guests do not bring food from other stations and only use the plates provided by our servers at Simple Servings. Simple Servings team members are carefully trained to prepare and serve safe food. We provide training throughout the year for all employees and our managers and supervisors also hold AllerTrainU™ certificates.
The Simple Servings station is open 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner. While the Simple Servings station is designed to allow customers an easy way to avoid allergens and gluten, we encourage our customers with special dietary needs to connect with our chef, registered dietitian, and general manager to ensure an enjoyable dining experience. For more information on Simple Servings, please contact Zag Dining Registered Dietitian Joanne Perez-Vergara at joanne.perez-vergara@sodexo.com.
Simple Zone
Simple Zone is our campus "pantry" located at The COG where food items needed by students with Celiac disease or food allergies are stored with precautions against cross-contact. This special area is free of tree nuts, peanuts, and gluten-containing ingredients and products. Simple Zone gives students the ability to be involved in their own allergen-safe meal preparation.